

Eduard Budantsev, Chairman of the Moscow Diktatura Zakona Bar Association, Honourary Lawyer of Russia, sums up the year
The legal support of business and social activity, the rights and free-doms of society and, eventually, the strengthening of the statehood of a country depend on the expertise of the legal community.

To sum up the year and explore the achievements and plans for the future, we addressed Eduard Budantsev, Chairman of the Moscow Diktatua Zakona Bar Association, Honourary Lawyer of Russia.
– Mr Budantsev, to your understanding, what results does the Bar Association end the year with? And could you share the prospects and plans for the future?

– Looking back at 2024, I would like to highlight that it has been a very fruitful year for us. It is safe to say that the Association, founded over two de-cades ago, continues to conquer new heights and assert itself on new fora. This is, first and foremost, certainly thanks to the concerted work of our professional team. This year, lawyers of the Association took part as speakers and moderators in key international fora held in Russia and abroad, including the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (St. Petersburg, Russia), the St. Petersburg International Legal
Forum (St. Petersburg, Russia), the East-ern Economic Forum (Vladivostok, Russia), the World of Opportunity

Business Forum (Dubai, UAE), the G20 Social Summit (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), the World Forum “New Era — New Ways” (Moscow), the International Municipal BRICS Forum (Moscow), the Kazan International Legal Forum (Kazan), among others.

The Diktatura Zakona Bar Association continues to expand its network of representative offices in different regions of the country. We already have an office in St. Petersburg, and this year we have opened offices in Krasnodar and Sochi. Such an approach to developing a law firm enables us to respond even more promptly to the demands of our clients, including not only representatives of metropolitan regions, but also leading businessmen from across the country.

Each regional case in situ is addressed by highly qualified employees of the representative offices, along with
the leading experts of the Central Office. We are, hence, able to swiftly carry out all necessary legal acts, attend all required procedural activities, hold talks and directly ac-company the clients’ activities, which ultimately contributes to the efficiency of legal services.

In 2025, we envisage to open a Far Eastern representative office in Vladivostok. And it is not by chance: after all, the Far East holds a special place in the activities of the Association.
Having studied the specific features of the region, its political climate, business mentality, the needs and concerns of local entrepreneurs and corporations, Diktatura Zakona has been effectively providing legal services in the Primorsky region and the entire Far East over the last few years.

The result of our work is a great number of successful cases in arbitration and general jurisdiction courts, including disputes with state authorities, de-fence of clients against unfounded claims of inspection authorities and unjustified criminal prosecution, tax claims and requirements mitigation within the law. Integrated legal support of business, de-fence in criminal cases, representation in arbitration courts in disputes of high complexity, including corporate, contractual and tax matters, bankruptcy cases, property protection cases, disputes with state authorities, as well
as other categories of cases — this is just a brief overview of the cases successfully handled by the Association. The main areas of activity of Diktatura Zakona include corporate law and judicial and arbitration de-fence, criminal law, civil and family law, international disputes and tax practice.

Dividing our lawyers into practices enables them to delve deeper into a particular branch of law or area of social relations, system analysis of judicial and administrative practice of law enforcement. For instance, tax practice lawyers are continuously re-viewing the methods of tax authorities used in tax enforcement, changes in tax legislation, and judicial enforcement of the rapidly evolving tax system.

Studying the tax regulatory framework in detail allows us to work out optimal solutions to the tasks set before the Association. Constant monitoring of changes in tax legislation helps to pre-emptively alert clients of possible tax risks related to their specific business model and, respectively, to offer solutions to pre-vent the anticipated risks.

Our criminal de-fence practice has extensive expertise and multiple successful cases to its credit. Cases where our lawyers have successfully dismissed wrongly initiated criminal cases, varied preventive measures, and changed actual prison terms to suspended sentences when challenging a verdict are of particular pride.

Hence, to sum up the year, we are above all pleased that we were able to provide effective legal assistance to our clients, helping them feel safe and secure.