The magazine is published quarterly in both Russian and English, in print and digital formats. If you have a request for individual materials in other languages, we can accommodate that.
The Eurasian Dialogue is shared at the most significant events of the IOEC and our partners, as well as at other major international forums. It is also distributed through targeted mailing lists.
The Eurasian Dialogue magazine is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), certificate of registration: PI No. FS77-87057 dated 03/26/2024 and in the National ISSN Center: certificate dated 04/02/2024, ISSN number 3034-2120 (printed version), certificate dated 08/23/2024 with the number ISSN 3034-4388 (electronic version).
The format of the A4 edition, the circulation is 3000 copies. The schedule for the publication of magazines in 2024:
- April 15, 2024
- August 15, 2024
- December 15, 2024.
We offer various forms of cooperation, including participation in discussions, surveys, publishing, advertising, and the status of official partner or category partner. A price list for publishing in the magazine is available upon request.
We look forward to the interest in our publication and to the fact that our creative collaboration will mark the start of a fruitful and long-term partnership.